Post Lockdown Skincare

10th August 2020
Joanna Bojarska
I am a professional beauty therapist and non-invasive aesthetic practitioner with an advanced knowledge of the beauty industry.
Are you ready for the new normal?
New lifestyle, new rules, new habits…
The world around us is changing and there is no point in sitting down and just complaining about it.
We simply have to take on board what we are facing right now, and make it as suitable to our lifestyle as possible, keeping ourselves safe, healthy, comfortable but what’s most important sane.
My beauty studio has been closed since March, that means some of my customers haven’t seen me for the last 6, 7 months, crazy isn’t?
While my beauty studio was temporarily closed, I was connecting with you through my social media platforms, I was also offering online skincare consultations and product recommendations.
While talking to my customers either through video calls or texts, most of them were noticing different issues with their complexions. The most common ones were skin sensitivity, dehydration and blemishes. And obviously we were working on their skin needs with a good and balanced home skincare and weekly home facials.
Now my beauty studio is finally reopened and I can help you directly. That is why today I would like to suggest to you a few options on how you can take care of your skin to get it back to a good place, shape and form.
So in the last few months, you might have experienced different changes in your skin “behaviour”, as I mentioned earlier: sensitivity, dehydration or blemishes. And I have to tell you that this was a pretty normal skin reaction due to the day to day changes to our lifestyle, everyday habits, we have totally changed our routine, we haven’t been out as much, our diet probably changed plus I guess, I don’t have to mention about the stress levels. So all of these factors combined had a massive impact to our skin, so, no wonder it started to behave differently…
As we have to get used to the new normal, our everyday habits will change as well. Some of us will have to implement new PPE at the work places, some of us will be working more from home, masks at the indoor places etc.
So we have to adjust our skincare to it as well.
We have to look at our skin with fresh eyes and give it the best suitable care we can, so it always looks radiant and rejuvenated.
Start with booking yourself a professional skincare consultation, where a professional will analyse your complexion and talk you through the whole process of skincare. I, personally, have decided, I will reassess all my customer’s skins, as I haven’t seen them for quite a while and it will be good to do a fundamental in depth skin analysis with them.
Consulting with a professional can really help you with getting to understand your skin type and skin needs. After a good skincare consultation, you will know exactly what products you should be using and when and which active ingredients will work best for you. Your specialist will also give you a plan of professional beauty treatments, that will help you achieve the ultimate effects , you are looking for.
Ok so once, you will get your home skincare in order and your professional treatments planned ,you will have to consider some other aspects.
If you are interested in what kind of treatment will be the most popular right after, the government will give us green light, I would recommend watching my YouTube video “Post lockdown treatment” – where I show the example treatment, that will be on trend in this summer season.
*According to the latest UK government announcement – Beauty Therapist should be able to perform all face treatments from the 15th August 2020 – but this hasn’t been confirmed just yet.
I know…. Boring…. everyone talks about it…. eat healthy…drink loads of water…. Don’t drink alcohol.
Well there is a reason why everyone talks about it , because it works.
Good, balanced, healthy diet will not only help your body and skin, it will also make you feel much better, it will make your brain work faster and more efficient.
So yes, you might want to consider consulting a dietician who will help you change your eating habits.
But if you are not there just yet let’s start with small steps.
WATER – water is crucial when it comes to how your body functions. If you want to make your skin look better than it does now, start with water. Especially now, when we will be spending a bit more time home then before, water intake will be very important.
*MY WATER TIP* – squeeze a little bit of lemon into your glass of water, not only it will taste refreshing but it will also help to achieve this bright, radiant skin look*
Try to drink 2l of water a day (do not count tea or coffee – I see your cheeky smile here;)
FRUIT & VEGETABLE – make sure you eat a piece of fruit every day, try to swap one of your meals for a nice bowl of salad with fresh vegetable.
Fruit and vegetable will give you beautiful nutrients, that will help maintain a good looking skin.
- Berries – full of antioxidants, high in fibre, source of vitamins
- Walnuts – vitamin E, selenium, essential fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6)
- Seeds – full of vitamins, micro and macro elements
- Avocado – source of vitamin E, full of healthy fats, UV damage protection
- Broccoli – zinc, vitamin A and vitamin C
- Red & Yellow peppers – beta carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C
SUPPLEMENTS – I have the impression that supplements have always been in high demand, but in the last few months’ especially, people went heavy on supplements. Unfortunately, not all the supplements will do what they say, some of them will give a placebo effect. I would always recommend to buy your supplements from trusted places. I really like these small herbal/ nature local shops, where usually shopping assistants are very knowledgeable and will help you choose the right one for you. Consulting your dietician, fitness instructor or other professional is always a great idea.
I personally take a blend of young barley with green tea for my gut. Biotine to strengthen my hair and nails. And the rest of my supplements I am using from Souvre Internationale. At the moment I am taking their Vit D3 with K2 – great for the immune system & Anti Oxi Energy – great for fighting free radicals and boosting my energy.
Please contact me directly if you would like to hear more about Souvre Internationale Supplements.
I personally think that good supplementation can really help us feel and look better.
And here I will simply say – start moving. You don’t have to run marathons or working out for 2 hours 5 days a week.
Start your day with a walk, a little yoga session or breathing exercises. Even 15 minutes a day can help to oxygenate your body, therefore It will be more efficient and your skin will look fresh and awaken.
And these days there is really no excuse. You can sign up to a gym, you can have a personal trainer or you can simply workout with YouTube, so yes start moving!
*MY EXRCISE TIP* to keep myself motivated, I have joined a Facebook group where, I am attending live stream exercises – really keep me on track and helps me wake up earlier in the morning!
So as you can see, taking care of your skin doesn’t only mean slapping some random cream on your face every morning but it doesn’t mean that it has to be complicated either
Holistic approach is the best approach here.
When you will start eating healthy you will see changes not only in your skin but also in the whole body. Same with the skincare routine, because believe me, once you will start seeing results on your face let’s say, you will want more and in no time you will find yourself doing a full dry brushing routine and body scrubs every week, because the results will be that satisfying!
Post lockdown skin will definitely need your attention. Start with hydration. If you wearing PPE a lot, for example face masks, make sure you cleanse your skin properly and moisture it a lot.
But as I said at the beginning, if you decide to have a professional skincare consultation, the person who you will be talking to, will adapt all your skincare to your specific skin needs.
So stay hydrated, protect and moisture your skin, eat healthy, move and stay positive no matter what!
This is my recipe for a healthy skin, body and mind!
For your personalized skincare consultation contact me.